Don't compare your self with others.

Profile photo for Kitaba khatoon
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A short story of a crow in which he was not happy because of his colour. He was comparing his life with other birds .

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Once upon a time, there was a crawl. The problem with him was that he was black. He was very sad and unhappy in his life because of his color. So he made a cry among saw him and asked the reason of crying. The crow said, no one's like me. No one wants me to become his pad because of my color. So I hate my life. Monk said, what do you want to become? I'll make you that. But you have to meet him. First. Craw went to peacock and called him with flattering tones and said, you are very lucky. You are so beautiful. Peacock said, I'm not happy with my beauty. There are hunters who pick my father's and sold it in market that really hurts. You are lucky that no one hunts you for your father's. No one eats you. So don't compare yourself with anyone in life if you do so, you will be the saddest person in the life.