Character/Celebrity Voices

Profile photo for Eric Howell
Not Yet Rated


I offer a wide and varied range of voices. Voice actor, specializing in character VO. If a client is looking for a celebrity tone or an actor's voice 'vibe', I'm your man. But not just \"celebrity voices\"! Certainly my range includes straight reads or 'standard broadcast' voices as well as celebrity and animation character VO. I produce independently. Creative content in music, film, and podcasting, with over 20 years in commercial radio.
As as a career musician and fellow VO actor, I bring these sensibilities to any project from conception to completion, in lightening fast turnaround. Looking forward to working with you!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This'll Week on Siskel and Ebert. Bruce Willis plays a psychotic killer with a muttering problem in Mum Blur, and in this scene he interrogates a cocky waiter played by John Travolta. I don't care what you believe, right. All I know is he complained about some salad dressing when he came into the restaurant. Guy walks in there like he's Clint Eastwood of somebody. I said, Make my day. Leave me a tip. I'm working here. Wake up, money. I need your help of my new experiment. Mimi's university mall had exactly 1:30 a.m. Whatever you do, don't eat anything. Only time travel, Doc. You didn't have to go all the way back to the fifties to get food. Money wouldn't go back in time. And all but the corner diner Tough Illinois Avenue in Carbondale threw up a 24 hour days. You could get a perfect meal anytime you want. Take a bite out of your past and look to the future at the Corner diner in Carbondale like gummy monsters. I can't live without my gummy by 30. Forgive the interruption, but frankly, last statement is untrue that a member of the Monster Guard may not under any circumstances, conceal his or her identity. You know who I am? I'm cold. Simone, Commander of the rim Supreme Deck leader. I don't understand. Is that my compound? There were explosions. I was with Alien. Where's Elliot? Bring me my daughter. 5 29 Curling iron of Hey, stop in a rush rush. She was your money. Now Monster Weather Station wants to remind you that tornadoes can happen in our part of the country and you need to stay prepared for the following is a dramatization All of the celebrity voices have been Impersonating your listening Thio biography. Brian, What's wrong, Yapping? I want to hold your hand. The new single Beatles has reached Number one in America Boys. A Day in the Life Test. Complete Adventures of the Fab Four In A Day in the Life, The Beatles Biography. It's History. It's happening now. We like the Beatles