Meditation & Yoga Audio Sample

Profile photo for Kilee Mercuur
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A sample meditation recording

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Hello there. This is the sleep condition just before. So consider using this, following her in bed and she was preparing your body for a good night's rest. Keep in mind that this practice may not keep you asleep throughout the night, and this might be for a good reason. You might have a habit or pattern of getting up and being creative in the middle of the night. So we want to honor whatever it is that happens throughout the night, noticing if we get really frustrated with herself. So let's take a moment to first find an opportunity, bring in compassion. Maybe a tiny smile, maybe a big smile, the same kind of smile he would offer to a friend telling you generous story about their own struggle. I just want to Yeah, maybe softening the eyes, giving yourself permission to smile inwardly. Be gentle with yourself throughout this practice that is short and sweet into the point. So to begin this practice, we're gonna start sitting up in the bed if it's comfortable sitting cross legged, bringing yourself to sway gently. So I decided, Yeah, mhm. As you're rocking, you might begin to turn this into more circular movement going round and round. Mhm, Mhm. You can keep the eyes closed. That feels nice. And the breath soft and smooth. Yeah. Yeah. And this movement might allow any tense muscles to soften up, to release, to remember any tension in the jaw. Even any strain. The eyes just allowing not to release slowly and gently when you're ready. Just beginning to find your way towards stillness. But really slowly, as if rocking a boat and the boat begins to slowly maintain steadiness just like that, as you begin to maintain, study in it, Gonna stretch out the legs and just give them a shake and stretch out the arms and give them a shape too. So we're gonna come onto our backs now. So on. So on the back, bring your feet onto your bed. Your knees are bent up to the ceiling. We're gonna take the knees into the chest, give ourselves a big hug. You might even want to roll your head up to your knees for a moment and hold and pause. Hold and pause for one more breath cycle. Now release. Bring your feet to the floor again. Bring your hands down to your side and begin to lift your hips away from your bed. Push into your hands and tighten around the glute muscles, chin tracking towards the chest, elongating the upper back and hold for one more cycle of breath. Maybe lift the hips a little higher now, and when you're ready, release them back down onto yourself. Walk the feet together and then walk both of your feet together over to the left side of your bed. Let the knees collapse and the hips roll towards the left side. Take a breath or two here and out. Stretch your arms as long and as wide as you can. If you're doing this on the side of your bed, you can simply relax your hands over your belly. And it might be a nice experience to turn your head and turn your gaze over to the right side, the opposite direction of the knees and the hips. If that is not comfortable maintaining where you are giving yourself permission to change posture to make any needed adjustments for your body, we're gonna maintain this position and begin to draw our attention to our breath as you notice your breath. See if it's possible to breathe slightly longer on the next exhalation that you have. So if it feels like you're streaming to, exhale deeply, then exhale slightly shorter the next time we're trying to maintain a breath ratio of 1 to 2 so it might look something like this breathing into the count of five, exhaling to the count of six or seven. When you're ready, walk your feet back onto your bed, returning to send her and just taking a moment to pause here, noticing your hips, shoulders your belly and yeah, returning to your natural breath, you you begin to walk the feet together and then walk the feet together over to the right side, letting the knees and hips topple over to the right. You you don't need to have the knees stack perfectly on top of each other. To benefit from this stretch. You might have your right knee much further to the right and your left knee, falling more towards the center of your bed or behind the back of your right knee arms wide, turning your head over to the lab. Return to breath ratio of 1 to 2. It might feel natural at this point to elongate slightly longer as well. Ian hailing for six, exhaling for seven or eight. Noticing your breath. If you notice any strain and extending the breath in either direction, reducing the count modifying is needed. Begin to walk the feet towards the midline, re centering your body on your bed knees pointing up to the sky, feet flat on the back. As you're here, Return your head as well. Perhaps gazes up to the ceiling, allowing your head to roll gently and slowly side to soft. If you're someone who tends to clench or tighten your teeth together when you sleep, might be a good idea to bring awareness. Tear gas. As you're moving your head side to side eyes, you move your head side to side. Can you bring a little bit of movement to the bottom jaw? Moving your bottom job left to right teeth, part mouth slightly open. If there is discomfort or lots of crackling noises that worry you and just maintain the softness, the openness between the teeth and imagine a bit of weight dropping the bottom jaw towards the chin. Wait around your skull against soft surface of your sheets. Maybe you tune in to the NOI. Put your hedge Your hair makes up against the sheet material again thinking about the analogy of the boat after being rocked, eventually finding steadiness, returning to center gently and slowly, I'm gonna take the legs, stretch out your legs, stretch out your arms over your hat and give yourself permission to take a really long and deep wide stretch. Here. You might feel your ribs and your belly. Lift your chest lift shoulder place back, maybe take a big yawn. Here, go great out, stretching a little bit more, spreading your fingers and toes, and then when you feel like you've come to the edge of that stretch, your all stretched out, just relax all of your money unless might bring you into shape. As you relax your arms, you relax your legs, eyes closed or G soft. Take a moment to notice if there's any thoughts coming to mind. Perhaps throughout the practice, maybe things you're worried about forgetting. If that is so, might you be willing to in a minute or two? Gently get up on and write it down. This gives our brain permission to not have to keep it in loop in order that we don't forget if we write it down and it's accessible next to us, were less likely to forget. We're more able to cultivate and sustained a clear and open mind when you feel ready, letting the eyes flutter open. Taken your surroundings, the environment that you've created for yourself, the cocoon of comfort. Taking that all in and perhaps bring a little bit Smile again, thanking yourself for offering this movement to increase the probability of sleeping well tonight. Sweet dreams.