Audiobook performer



Engaging narrator for a variety of genres, including cozy mysteries, Christian romance, science fiction and historical fantasy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
siphon a touch of power by J. Boys. Jade met her gaze briefly, then nodded and walked out with Christopher on her heels. Absolutely, she began singing under her breath. Welcome to a New world to a new world. Um, radio, radio. Ah, what's radioactive? She glanced at him, shaking her head, something I hope this world never has to deal with. By the way, what are your orders? How long are you planning to escort me? He sighed, then offered. I was to pick you up from the Green dragon, escort you to the gate and accompany you until you left. I'm only to leave you when you've reached either. The Green Dragon. The library order Kona. The Tale of Two Bad Mice by Beatrice Potter The doll's house stood at the other side of the fireplace. Tom Thumb and Hunka Monk A went cautiously across the hearth rug. They pushed the front door, and it was not fast. Tom Thumb and Hunka Monica went upstairs and peeked into the dining room. Then they squeaked with joy. Such a lovely dinner was laid out upon the table. Tom Thumb set to work at once to carve the ham. It was a beautiful, shiny yellow streaked with red. The knife crumpled up and hurt him. He put his finger in his mouth. It is not boiled enough. It is hard. You have a try. Hunka hunka hunka hunka stood up in her chair and chopped at the ham with another knife. It's hardest the hams at the cheese mongers, said Hunka Hunka. The ham broke off the plate with a jerk and rolled under the table. Then Tom Thumb lost his temper. He put the ham in the middle of the floor and hit it with the tongs and with the shovel bang, bang, smash smash. The hand flew all into pieces for underneath the shiny paint. It was made of nothing but plaster. Dragon Fly Dreams by Jennifer Chow Fresno, California, 18 80 I died the day I birth my daughter. My nerves screamed in agony as I pushed her out into the world with my last breath fire course through my blood. But her perfect little form slipped out like a cool stone, the only bone to my fever clenched body. When the midwife cut the umbilical cord, the last of my remaining strength dissolved. I shut my weary eyes, but the heat of a blinding white light burned me even under my closed eyelids. I couldn't be bothered to investigate the source of the heat, but then I felt myself floating and opened my eyes in surprise. I hung suspended in mid air. A gossamer silver thread connected me to a young woman's body slumped on the floor beneath me. I could see thick, dark hair shrouding her face, but a familiar pointed chin greeted me. I knew the sunken in cheeks of that woman, her blip of a nose and each bushy and ragged eyebrow. After all, I had lived in her body for 17 years. Cash Kills By Nancy Rathmann Adriana, It's nice to meet you, I said. She sat scrunched tight against one side of the client share. The only way to describe ER was nondescript. Dressed head to foot in discount store beige. She hadn't moved or spoken since I entered the room. I gave her a brief rundown my services. I explained that under Wisconsin law nothing she told me was private unless I was working for her attorney. In that case, whatever she shared with me would come under attorney client privilege. May I please use your phone? She said in a surprisingly sultry voice. I handed her my cell phone and she placed a call. Uncle Herman, this is Adriana. I'm with the accountant. You recommended. She introduced me to a private investigator whom I wish you to hire on my behalf. She paused and listened her face not showing any expression. I mean, no disrespect, Knuckle Harmon, but if you cannot accommodate me in this way, I will find someone who will. Hm? The mouse has teeth. I thought Ornamental graces by Carol and ask bulk. Emily is taking me to Mass on Wednesday. Grandma reached a hand around the shower stall to study his ladder. Okay. Ban was being replaced. Emily was stealing his grandma. She's really generous with her time. Well, she has plenty. No boyfriend. The latter wobbled on her bony hand whitened as she gripped a tighter Just that friend of yours, Mark. She goes out with him sometimes. His name's Matt. She was still seeing him. He jammed the bulb into the socket and wrenched it into place. Emily's a virgin. You know, the screwdriver clattered down the metal ladder and hit the porcelain tub. You didn't ask her that, did you? Of course not, she said, folding her hands in her lap. She's never had a boyfriend. She's a sweet Catholic girl, not out bonking guy. She meets and bars bonking. Is there another term you'd rather I use? No, I just Don't you think that's kind of personal?