Storyteller - Denver Art Museum - For Youth - Engaging, Enthusiastic

Profile photo for Kevin Welch
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Voiced for the Denver Art Museum's display for youth.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look at how everyone's mouths are open like they're yelling and those dark shadows really make the crowd look packed together. That guy off to the right in the picture is wearing a top hat, but people don't wear those to the circus unless they're the ringmaster. And he doesn't look like a ringmaster. So they must be in another place. And another time by repeating lines and colors in his work. Matisse made exciting rhythms with paint just like a musician does with music, follow the lines that go from top to bottom. In this picture, you'll find them on the windows frame and in the folds of the curtain, there are also lines that go from side to side. Can you see some of them forming the top edge of the table and continuing in the narrow red and white stripe near the bottom of the curtain? If you look closely above that stripe, you can see where Matisse signed his name. And the year he painted this picture 1948.