VSC Voice-over

Profile photo for Kevin Williams
Not Yet Rated


This is a training on how to use the Vehicle Service Contract training.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Hyundai Protection Plan Vehicle service Contract Training VSC. This course will help you better understand the features, benefits, terms and exclusionary of our vehicles service contract product. In addition, this tutorial will inform you of contracting and remit ING claimed guidelines and check claims status. If you'd like more information on how to navigate the course, please select the navigation tutorial button. Otherwise, select the Ford Arrow to begin before we go any further. Let's take a moment to recognize that the Hppd S V C products are determined a tremendous value to Hyundai, the dealerships and the consumer. It drives increased retention. There are a few things you need to know about navigating this course. Make sure your audio is turned on this learning experiences primarily audio driven to move backward and forward in the course. Simply select previous and next buttons. Wants to see something again. Select the refresh button need to pause the course. Select the play Pause button. You can also turn close caption on and off by selecting the close caption button. If you want to navigate to different sections, selected the menu button to review additional information in the course. Select the source button. So let's get started selected. Afford button To continue. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to describe the features, benefits, terms and exclusionary is of our VSC. Identify vehicles that are eligible for coverage lists the steps to contracting and readmitting a VSC. Recognize which states, if any, require a unique customer agreement. When customers come in to purchase a car, they're really excited. In many cases, they're well informed based on information they've gathered on the Internet. What they probably aren't thinking about is the need to protect their purchase with a vehicle service contract. This is where your expertise is needed. You may be familiar with vehicle service contracts, but let's take some time to explore some critical elements of the Hyundai VSC. Select each of the tabs to learn more. A SBC is a protection plan offered by Hyundai for its repairs, parts and labor on its vehicles for a specific amount of time or when a specific mileage has been reached. Currently, we offer three plans. Powertrain. Gold and platinum powertrain is the basic plan. Gold is a mid level plan and platinum. The platinum plan should be the one highlighted most often because it's exclusionary, and it offers the best protection for our consumer and provides the greatest long term value. Do you know the difference between a feature and a benefit? It might be difficult to distinguish one from the other. Here's a quick tip to help a feature answers the question. What is the product? While a benefit answers the question, What does the product to do here? We've listed some basic terms for a VSC, however, taking moment to know that terms may vary by state. Later in the course, we'll discuss this and further detail notes that what you see here is only a partial list of exclusionary is refer to your customer agreement for the complete list. Now that we've had the opportunity to learn about the vehicle service contracts, let's take a moment to test your knowledge, reading the scenario and when you're ready, selected the Ford Button. Read the dialogue between Karen and Jonathan and then choose the best response afterwards. Select the submit button. We need to talk about guidelines and eligibility requirements for RVs, sees we've categorized them by new pre owned commercial and leasing and original lease owns select on each icon to learn more. And when you're ready to continue, select the Ford Button, making out that owners may purchase a VSC at a later date. If they meet the criteria is listed. View the eligibility requirements for commercial use. Check out the guidelines for submitting claims. Determining vehicle eligibility is a very important part of a VSC. Let's do a quick check to make sure you've got it. Drag and drop the items to the correct option on the right. Good luck. We've covered quite a bit of information about HBP vehicle service contracts. Now let's bring it all together. VSC Zehr most often completed Elektronik Lee using dealer management system. D. M s paperless contracting and Remittance options are available. Select with links for further details and when you're ready, select each image to learn more about the vehicle service contract Workflow. It's time to present them with the VSC option. As we determined earlier. The platinum option is highly recommended as it offers them the most coverage and has the greatest long term value. After the customer makes a selection long into dealer access, complete a VSC. If you're not enrolled in the dealership, access you may use hard copies of a VSC, print the VSC and have your customers signed the printed version. Keep in mind that the pricing detail is automatically calculated for you based upon the selection made while completing a VSC. The last topic we need to review are the state laws and regulations. A VSC is amended to comply with these state law requirements. Be sure to review them for your state so that we remaining compliance. Select each of the pens to review laws and regulations from various states, and when you're done selected the Ford Button. This course includes an assessment with 10 questions. You must receive at least a score of 80 to pass it. Once you pass the test, you'll receive full credit for training. Let's get started on the assessment. Congratulations. You've completed this course. Let's view are key takeaways. Our vehicle service contracts have three plans. Power training, gold and platinum. New pre owned, leased and some commercial vehicles are eligible. You can complete a VSC using dealer access and state mandates and dealer terms. May very thank you for your time and participation. If you're finished with the course, you can now close the browser window