The 4 people

Profile photo for Kevin Williams
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo is a promotion of an episode called The 4 People.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
coming up on the four people. How will Mike react when his girlfriend, Oscar, says that she's been a lesbian for the past three months? And that's why occasionally she has distanced herself from Mike. After all, Mike is ending his junior year and was looking forward. Toa highly romantic summer and senior year with his girlfriend, Oscar. Hello, Mark react when Askar tells him that she wants nothing to do with him anymore. Like Mike, Mark was also looking forward to a romantic summer and senior year with his girlfriend, Askar. After all, market Askar spends many nights studying math together and having deep conversations and great make out sessions. How Mike and Mark spend the summer getting through this terrible situation, all coming up on the four people Wednesday night eight. Central seven Pacific