
Profile photo for Kevin Stephen
Not Yet Rated


This is a gospel project. A testimony of a person who lives in a Village and came to the Lord.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am Prem Lal Durga. I come from a non Christian family. My village was known for witchcraft. However, soon this practise became a bone of contention among the Villagers. Each one was competing with the other and it led to disunity and chaos among the community. Many began to practise child sacrifice out of fear. My mother named me after a goddess. My parents were religious and they trained me in the scriptures that I used to recite daily but it may know sends. I was restless and without any peace. It was during my college years that I happened to listen to T. W. R. India's radio programme in Odiah. Unlike other programmes, the signal was clear and I soon became a regular but secret listener. What I heard on the programme was new to me, but it begun to speak into my life. The world of court was so powerful that it flooded my heart with peace and joy. I had never experienced it before. I soon got in touch with DW our office and they help me give my heart to Jesus. My parents began to notice a change in me and became suspicious. I then had the opportunity to tell my parents about my newfound faith. They were not pleased and began to district me. In many ways, the situation at home compelled me to leave my village and move to the neighbouring state. Dera met with the pastor who helped me complete my studies. I was not in touch with my family but decided to return to my village. To my surprise, my parents and siblings had also become believers. I have come a long way in my association with Tear W R. India, and today I am leading 43 radio home groups and have been instrumental and planting nine churches.