Documentary Narration - Transphobia

Profile photo for Kevin Stevens
Not Yet Rated


An educational sample from a documentary sponsored by the ACLU on the LGBTQ community.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Transphobia, the fear of people who are transgender or might be transgender or whose gender expression is unexpected. It isn't new and it actively motivates hateful and unconstitutional lawmaking. So let's connect transphobia over here to youth sports, you know, soccer, running basketball. And let's start with the nazis. Now, we can all agree the nazis were bad. So if the nazis targeted trans people, we should most likely not follow their example right in 1919, the first clinic to serve transgender people on a regular basis opened in Berlin, the Institute of Sexology. But a little over a decade later, the nazis came to power in Germany and they destroyed the institute, sent the administrator to a concentration camp and used the institute's records to hunt down L G b T. Q. People and send them to death camps.