Audio book chapter

Profile photo for Kevin Beasley
Not Yet Rated


This is a chapter I read for my audio book

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter two the beginning news headline lake worth florida sends out alert warning of dead people invasion May 23 2018 news headline suspect found biting man's face off at chaotic murder scene, august 16 2016 news headline. Naked attacker in highway was chewing man's face says witness May 29 2012 news headlines. Woman returns from the grave in catatonic state, June 17 1997 News headline, Felicia Felix mentor Returns almost 30 years after her death. October 24 1936. Okay, okay, bang bang goes the chattering sound of the semi automatic A. R 15 My wife was wielding as she continued to fire and fire Shells bounced and clanged off the bed of the White F 150. We were standing in the hot brass that fell, even managed to somehow get inside the truck and burned a few small holes into the cloth seat. I knew my wife Ashley would not be happy about that when she found out, but under the circumstances, I think she will get over it. The heads and limbs of the in corporal beings exploded from each successful head shot and continued to be decimated but the rest seem not to care as they continued to move towards us. ****, she's sexy. I thought to myself, her more toned and a little slimmer body. She now possessed from a couple of weeks of fighting for our lives tensed with every shot, her curly and kinky, Puerto Rican hair was tied up in a ponytail as she dealt out death like she was born to do it and all out of give a fox, why am I getting turned on right now. Typical guy thoughts run amok in my head as I am powerless to stop them. Better be careful. I think to myself the buyers will have another appendage name for ever. Have that problem at the wrong time and in the wrong place and maybe even around the wrong people if you are a man, I already know the answer to that question. Some of you women out there know what I mean to but most just don't understand the thoughts we hairy, brainless knuckle dragging men have to battle on a daily basis. The joys of being a man, we gotta love it as usual. The *******, dead people just continued moving forward towards the gunfire emanating from around my parents lakeside home. Now that I think about it, our lakeside home now this is home now we will defend it as if we have no other option because at the moment we kind of don't as they moan and march forever forward we continue to fire in volleys and only when others are reloading as not to waste our precious ammo today there are so many dead faces looking back at us but I have the utmost confidence we will rise to the occasion if we don't then the other option is we die in the art of war. Sun Xue teaches that when you surround an army, leave an outlet free, do not press a desperate foe too hard. We are being pressed into desperation at the moment and there is only one way forward. We fight. As I watched her fire. I can't help but think a myriad of thoughts. I think of how just a few short years ago she and lila were with me overseas. I was teaching english in south Korea at the Hyundai R. And D. Center just outside of Seoul. The R and D center was rather remote but Seoul was another world. It was one of the most crowded places I had ever been. I remember back to the first time riding the subway there After about a day of being in the country, I got down to the subway and the train was getting ready to take off the train car looked full already but people just kept filing in. It's just a wave of people that you get easily caught up in. I got swept inside the car and thought well there's no way anymore people will fit now. I was wrong. I saw two older short gentlemen I had not noticed before who wore face masks and had black sashes across their chest with something in korean written on them. The conductor came over the intercom and said something in korean which I guess was something along the lines of get ready because we are closing the doors. The two gentlemen with the sashes just began pushing and pushing the other people into the train until there was no room to move anymore and we were all squeezed in and the doors barely closed. I was freaking out and thinking this can't be safe. Ocean needs to hear about this. I was the only one being weird about it. All. The other Koreans were completely calm and for them this was just a normal monday morning. What would I have done if I have been a 13 hour plane ride away still in south Korea and so far from everything I ever loved and new when this ship went down, what would I have done if I would have never been able to communicate with my wife or parents or my brother? What would I have done in a city of 30 million if the outbreak had happened there. Well if you had netflix before the fall there was a movie that I think was the only korean zombie hit. It focused on just that scenario. I think it was called trained to Taiwan or Sue on or something or another. I can't really remember now but it was good. I remember watching that and thinking holy **** that escalated quickly. But it made sense with so many people packed into such tight quarters and it really showed how fast an epidemic can spread with so many people At the time of the outbreak. The us probably had around 350 million people but those people were much more spread out than the more densely populated country of south Korea. But still I would think what if a trucker had contracted the virus or a traveling nurse or a businessman who takes the red eye twice a week? A virus could and would still spread too quick to contain even in the spread out the United States. I could go on with what ifs forever. But luckily this was not the case. Luckily when the outbreak occurred, I was with my wife and we were in our home when it really began going nuts. Luckily we were locked away tight and secure and we had a head start on most people who were out enjoying their friday night for as long as I can remember. My wife and I both were old souls and our crazy friday nights would involve some take out preferably pizza or chinese and a movie we could rent. Or maybe we would upload the next episode of a show that we have been watching throughout the week or play our xboxes until we both were yearning for our beds. Both of us would talk about how we were going to stay up all night But usually by about nine or 9:30 we would be lights out Ash and I along with our £5. Well after a big meal, £5.5 yorkie poo. Also known as our super intimidating guard dog candy security for Halloween and front door protector who goes by the name of lila. She would be snoring normally. She snores the loudest. But I'm not supposed to say that because that is picking on her and it would hurt her feelings of which I would have to compensate her. This generally meant one treaty per infraction to make her feel better. That damn dog. I swear it seems like I did a lot of compensating to her over the years and come to think about it. She never checked in once for a light bill. Our gas bill or groceries or anything of the like does that mean? Is that insensitive to the little baby gaga goo goo. I don't think so. But apparently I'm wrong. A bunch September 27th 2019 is the date that lives in my memories and refuses to leave. This is the date that the world ended almost overnight. Well almost nothing. It did end and it ended overnight for our sense of normalcy. Normal changed forever. Some people could argue back then what is normal anyway. Well the crazy thing is once you have some type of life altering event, you know exactly what normal was and how much you crave it to return. I remember the week before that night I heard tidbits here and there on yahoo news and random news articles that I would get in my email of people acting strangely well stranger than normal. I guess the crazy thing about the technology age we were living in was the sheer volume of information you could get your hands on if you really wanted to. It was true. An entire cachet of information on just about anything was at your fingertips. I guess this could be good and bad. Right. I mean good for the access but with so many options. Who do you pay attention to who is giving you the real information and who is still pushing fake news? The news stories would talk about people who were very sick yet enhanced somehow people who would appear to be on death's door until they very much were not. People get brought back in hospitals every day we heard about people who were dead momentarily and then came back to life from the doctors and nurses doing whatever they could. You might even know someone. This has happened to, that happens of course. But this was different. I remember one particular article and subsequent youtube video that showed a woman being read her last rites and then a few moments later she had the priest throat in her hands and she was lifting the poor ******* off his feet and then she just tore into him. She bit into his face and tore the skin away from his cheek. She was eating him and he was screaming at that point the screen is shaking and the Hollywood gore came quickly and most people just chalked it up to just another made up clip to get more hits on their pages or more likes when it gets reposted on people's twitter accounts, that seemed to be what people did. As I said before, I was not into the social media scene. I really, I really hate to admit this, but social media is what technically saved my life. After I saw the first video, I became very intrigued and I surf the internet like I was a true wave rider and that was my only calling in life, louis, louis, mosca louis or whatever the **** Hawaiians say, right, sorry if I'm not being politically correct, but it's the end of the world so far. I surfed until my fingertips were sore and I had to swipe with my knuckles. The oversaturation allowed me to do extensive research and as much as people love to post it on their various social media accounts, I was able to see incident after incident and believe it or not, I was taking notes and mentally preparing all the way up until the last second when the internet just stopped broadcasting. Now, at the time, I didn't know that's what happened. I just thought, well the wifi just gave out and it will be back tomorrow within a few hours after my initial contact, I will call it the world went just dark the same generation. I despise for all their social media nonsense, ended up saving my life. These new age dumbasses kept uploading and posting videos, even though their lives were clearly in danger. The millennials or Generation Xers or whatever the **** you want to call them, kept loading the up to the second play by play of what was going on around the world. I just remember news feed after news feed town after town and even ford after ford was becoming overwhelmed and transformed into something that was not dead but not really truly alive and my wife and I were watching it all from our ******* phones. I just don't know how to emphasize how crazy and fast this was all happening. So hopefully you get it by now. The dead people but not dead people or B and D. S for short is what we like to call them. Now these things were grabbing people and forcing them down and just tearing them to shreds. The B and D. S came in all shapes, sizes, genders and athletic abilities. This was an equal opportunity disease or plague or whatever it was. Some came back with more strength and power for some reason and many just came back to life and got mean really quick regardless they quickly were everywhere and seemed more than norm and it was ******* nuts. The guys and gals that came back with no special abilities were slower and tended to be easier to get away from but just as deadly if there were too many around initially that was about all we knew because everyone was watching but not really understanding why they really didn't seem like the mindless zombie heard you saw in the movies and tv shows before. But why would they? I mean that was fiction and this was very much not. But anyway Back to the 27th I remember it was a friday and up until that point there was nothing special at all really. We both got up and went to work. Yes we both noticed a few people missing from our jobs who normally we're not absent but it happens people get sick. We were also in a time that people worked from home more than ever before. So it really was not that big of a deal that there were less people on the roadway that day but I was grateful. I did not have to deal with as many idiots in traffic. Yes there were a few more ambulances and fire men on the road with lights and sirens blazing but my city was not crazy overpopulated. So it did not seem like that big of a change. I mean double the amount of police cars today would mean two instead of one. It just seemed like maybe a few more issues for people to deal with today. I mean hey sh it happens But hindsight is always 2020. Right Looking back now sure there were signs that we chose to write off as normal or not abnormal enough to worry about. We both came home ate supper. We even had a little lovemaking session, followed by a little netflix time. So all in all, a pretty good day until we both got notifications on our phones.