Short Animated Informational Clip - Energetic Explanation (English)

Profile photo for Kevin May
Not Yet Rated


Provided voiceover of informational/educational copy for a short animated informational clip for a public sector project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with all of the complex ways our city government works through regulations and policies. It can be confusing to understand why our neighborhoods look the way they do or even how new growth is incorporated into our communities. Well, the city of charlotte is working today to simplify and update these rules and processes into our city's first ever unified development ordinance, or what we often call r u d o. Today, our city has several different codes and ordinances that impact development and how it interacts with the natural environment. But in the future we will have won a unified development ordinance that includes these separate regulations into a collated document that makes sense. The U D o will also use more graphics and a common language that avoids conflicts and confusing terminology. We invite you to learn more about this project and encourage you to visit us at charlotte ugo dot org or send us an email at charlotte ugo at charlotte, n c dot gov.