Public Sector Project - Whimsical Poem Parody (English)

Profile photo for Kevin May
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Provided voiceover for a holiday poem drafted by a third party for a public sector project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
twas right around christmas and we felt it was due to reflect and project as the year becomes new. We can't wait to unveil the work that's been done to unify eight development ordinances into just one One ordinance you say we have rules galore. Is simplicity possible in the 704 new light rail new sports teams. It's hard to keep track. Are you saying there's yet more changes to unpack? Well, yes, but don't fret. There's so many more reasons to rejoice than despair as before developments complicated with rules, permits and reviews. It's easy to get lost. So it's time to debut a unified development ordinance. The city is author of rules that include trees zoning, stormwater arose in streets subdivision, even floodplain. We know it's a lot and can be quite a drain but fear not hold on tight and please don't lament the comprehensive plan still open for public comment is guiding our actions, our words and our mission. We're building a tool for this community vision. It's exciting not dismal. Our future is bright. So stay tuned as we take our U. D. O. Into flight public meetings to come make Leslie knope proud. Tell your friends spread the word the U. D. O. S coming out, Stay safe. We will see you in 2021 most likely remotely. But the job will get done in the meantime, happy holidays and if you'd like more, please visit us at charlotte ugo dot org