Ad Demos

Profile photo for Barry Banfield
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Several ads and promos complete this demo reel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's time to drop the needle on some old classics and some new favorites. At Johnny B Records, you confined vinyl from the fifties, right up to this week's new releases. We've got pop rock, jazz, country, classical. Anything you could possibly want. Our store is huge. If you can't somehow find what you're looking for inside, we'll find it for you and order it stop in today or check us out at johnny b records dot com. You're listening toe work radio. The best station to keep you running in the morning W E r K 98.6 FM. I just wanted these yesterday. Are your planes trying up flowers dying grass burnt to a crisp Neighbors bothering you? When you're trying to relax and get some alone time, you want to check out my lawnmower, stray cats and dogs getting you down? Hey, get out of here. Get off my lawn Now. You can solve all of these problems with a push of a button from the comfort of your own home. The aqua far sprinkler system activates through your home WiFi network and blast water from the industrial grade nozzles to take care of the lawn flowers and pests. Get some rest while keeping your lawn perfect with Aqua Farr's time to hit the beach. Well, not without some sunscreen and big silly hats. Bills. Beach Bungalow is everything to cover you at the beach, including swimwear, sunblock, sun hats, flip flops and beach blankets with Shake away technology and make sure you leave the sand at the beach before you catch the waves and sun. Catch what you needed Bills. Beach Bungalow Located right downtown. Can your favorite restaurant past the chef test at Squeak Hops? We put taste first, and this summer we're loading up our menu with fresh and chef crafted foods that are simply bursting with flavor, like majestic orange, wild king salmon and specialties like champagne ham, slow smoked over hickory chips and glaze with pineapple juice and brown sugar. We think our food should be even better than our service, and that's tough to beat Squeeze tops where the chefs go, Teoh