Commercial Samples in English

Profile photo for Katie Kruse
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


These samples are demo advertisements for products, services, and business such as Disneyland Parks, Red Robin, Fred Meyer Jewelers, and World Wildlife Fund. Background music and sound effects were added by my demo producer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every family's got a Disney vacation plan. But guess what? There's literally never been a better time to book your trip. So don't wait, go to Disney dot com. Today audible is a guilty obsession that you don't have to feel guilty about. The stories are just so enriching. You become a deeper, more well rounded person. And seriously, what more could you ask for papa Murphy's presents? The proper way to enjoy your pizza. Step one, make sure it's got fresh ingredients step to pull it out of the oven. Step three, slice it up, step four, go crazy. Papa Murphy's been missing your favorite gourmet burger from Red Robin. Miss it no more with online ordering and contact less pickup at Red Robin dot com. But the people in your life know how much they mean to you create joy today with a gift from the Belarus a collection at fred Meyer Jewelers. This is not a commercial about saving polar bears or hippos. This is a commercial about saving us. Every species is connected, protect life at WWF dot org