Radio aircheck

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Radio aircheck

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Young Adult (18-35)


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mm hmm 97 X. Tampa Bay's New Rock Alternative. Coldplay has admitted to plagiarism. Well, sort of as you probably know by now, joe satriani is suing Coldplay, claiming that viva La Vida is a rip off of one of his songs. Well, Chris martin denied that particular claim, but then he went on to say he may have plagiarized Jeff buckley when they were writing the song, shiver. In the meantime, statue Ronnie's crying about how it hurts so much. It felt like a dagger went through my heart. Please Tom Petty didn't complain when the red hot chili peppers ripped off mary jane's last dance. In fact, he called it a compliment, Cath it's new death cab for cutie on 97 X. Tampa Bay's new rock alternative. They recently reissued a 10 year anniversary edition of their first album, something about airplanes. But I wouldn't suggest picking that up unless you've already invested in their new album Narrow stairs. Seriously. If there was one album, I could convince you to buy this year, that would be it. And if you didn't like it, well then I just can't be your friend anymore. Yeah. Has confirmed a spring release of their first greatest hits album, which Brandon Boyd says makes them feel old. In fact he refers to incubus now is the creepy aging father figure obsessed with our new wife's teenage daughter Unquote If you don't feel like driving to Orlando or Miami flogging molly will also playing the warped tour this year, july 26th, I sent a friend request to Stephanie meyer last week and she still hasn't added me yet. I mean I know she's all super busy and famous but come on, it's hurting my feelings, 97 X. Tampa Bay's new rock alternative, new from the Killer's it's Spacemen and I can't figure out if it's a song about being abducted by aliens or taking an acid trip. Well, I mean the killers are from Vegas and they're big fans of Hunter? S Thompson so it's probably the latter and that now makes five days. I've had that song stuck in my head ulysses it's new rock first from franz Ferdinand 97 X. Tampa Bay's new rock alternative, Tell me what they are first and then I'll tell you how I feel about it, Framingham. Okay you like the and 303. I like them both. You have excellent taste in music. The only problem is I played them both rather recently? You know? Well then why are you asking for him again in a little bit? Can you wait a little bit because I I hear it. Alright well I'm literally out of here as soon as I hang up the phone with you anyway so how about you hang up, count to 20 and then call back and then ask Phoebe what you asked me and then she'll tell you what I just told you which is you're gonna have to wait a little while or knowing Phoebe. She'll probably say off kid what do I look like your babysitter 97 x traffic 97 X and coldplay lost. Okay, I've got a question for you. Was that lost? Am I lost or was that lost? As I am lost? It's just lost with an exclamation point. We could never figure that out. My my kids have it on there and we're always arguing which is, well there's a couple of different versions. There is lost with the right there's one with the exclamation point and one with a question mark. That closer to the same words or something. The songs are exactly the same except the lost with a question mark is acoustic. If my kids ever let me listen to me, I might find out look at all of this kings of leon sex on fire and that song is awesome. It is awesome. Now hang up so we can listen to it. Thanks man, The resolution. It's new Jack's mannequin on 97 X. Tampa Bay's new rock alternative. Have fun tonight. Where are you headed tonight flip If I know there's, there's what I want to do and then there's what I'm probably gonna wind up doing out of obligation, but nobody and nobody invited you to go, we go, we got, we've for christmas and they're like, oh my gosh, well we, and I'm like, see that's a great idea though. Yeah, we're gonna leave. But what are your favorite wii games? I'm really good at the cow races cow. Like you ride like you're on a cow and it's like, and then you have to hit as many of the scarecrow so as you can and then jump over the hurdles and stuff. That sounds like what I did on a friday night in Alabama. It's very fun. I'm not a video game player so I had no desire to get a wee or anything else until I saw the commercial for Call of duty like, oh my God, that's what I want to do. I want to get the plastic rifle and well, it's just not as if you haven't had practice in real life either. So you know exactly. I'm just honing my skills for uncle sam. In that case, I wonder if I can write it off on my taxes, 97 x traffic 97 X Tampa Bay's New rock alternate. I was about to say 97 X. Tasty Fresh because that's the only time I ever get to play that song, santo gold. L. E. S. Artistes comes in at number 86. In our countdown. That sounds so top 40 in our countdown by the way, that santa gold. Just for the record, I want to say her self titled debut album made my, not my top 10, my top five this year, best album. Well one of the best albums of 2000 and eight. I have to say, okay, you said earlier that MGMT was probably the *** anthem for *** bars. Well you would know so correct me if I'm wrong. I'm gonna pull the card saying I go to them more often. Um, I have to say it was santo gold. Really? Oh yeah, it was real popular with the most I've played. I've played probably like four or five songs and Tasty Fresh and first you seem to be a big fan. Yeah, I'm a big fan. I love the black Carano crap. You know what my time is up and I actually want to hang out with you because you got stuff going on. That's really cool. All the way up till midnight and I got a whole lot of nothing except maybe you're welcome to stay and hit that bottle of patron in the corner. You know, I already put a nice fat dent in the bottle of chocolate vodka that you gave me for christmas. Yeah, we give each other alcohol for christmas that makes we need to go to a meeting, jesus christ and I still say that was the best christmas present I got to and I'm concentrating very, very, very hard to to not flower right now, 97 x traffic the venue Tampa Bay dot com. For more info, 97 X. Tampa Bay's New rock alternative. That's kate. Are you all right? Had a lot of vodka. We just did a shot of patron as our own little New Year's celebration and our shot of patron, we toast to shark. Here's the night, here's, here's the night where your radio station goes to **** in a handbasket, both top 97 songs of 2000 and eight and number 78. It's the Ting ting ting ting, Calm yourself down Kate. It's shut up and let me go to the top 97 of the year on 97 x. Have to let me go.