Ivanabitch vodka radio ad

Profile photo for Kate Knowles Murphy
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Radio Ad


Ivanabitch vodka radio spot

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North American (General)


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Next time you're out with friends are looking to meet a new one, enjoy the drink that dares to be different. Ivanovich vodka. Pure refreshing, smooth Ivanovich vodka. The vodka with attitude. It's the only one with a paper bag over the top of the bottle. Try it twisted, bloody martini style or the Russian way with a pickle. There are countless ways to enjoy Ivana once she's let out of the bag, so be a little daring and demand Ivanovich the next time you're at your favorite club. And remember Ivanovich loves a good party. So bring along a bottle next time you're hanging out with friends or family. Ivanovich, the vodka with attitude. Ivanovich vodka reminds you to always drink responsibly and never drink and drive.