
Profile photo for Hilda Katebe
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is a commercial for a resort

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) British (General) East African (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, June, Do you know that Sharon are hostiles? Friend is graduating from law. She's just posted her pictures online. Yes, I know. In fact met yesterday and she invited me to her graduation party. Will you accompany me? I don't think so. Because I don't have anyone. I could live. My son's with us. I'm sure my mother will never to be Oh, okay. I'll try harder because it goes to the market to take lunch to her mother. Good afternoon, Mom. Here's the lunch prepared for you. Have you left the babies with? They are with my friendship. Next time, don't leave them. After all, who told you to go and get involved with boys attire? Meet her age Mates are graduating with degrees. And yet the only thing you graduated to his mother, it really had that. It took you to the best private high school so that you can secure spot in university on what I got was a disappointment on top of getting pregnant demon that eats your old boyfriend also infected with HIV and AIDS. When I look at you, I feel so sorry for you. My daughter I wanted a better life for you. But all I see now is a wasted future for you. Please don't say that. Tell me why I shouldn't say that. Everyone here knows that you're infected. Walks back talking to all my friends are posting their graduation pictures and wedding pictures. Yet What have is nothing? June is going soon to London. Kid just finished school. Just bought herself a new car. What about me? Nothing. I have nothing to show but from my twins. And the fact that I'm positive that I also failed in my cases I don't live in maybe should just die. There's no reason for living, you know. Why do you look so sad? You okay? Yes. Fine. Looks like someone just You don't want me, okay?