International Comedy Festival | Wide Range of Voices/Tones/Expressions

Profile photo for Karen Burman
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Audition for TV Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm a comedy festival radio spot, but I identify as a TV commercial. I'm a radio spot, but I identify as a TV commercial. I'm a radio spot, but I identify as a jingle jingle jingle. I'm a radio announcer, but I identify as a legal announcer. These are our times come and laugh at them. The Comedy Chateau International Comedy Festival from June 7 to 11 more info at the comedy chateau dot com. These are our times come and laugh at them. The Comedy Chateau International Comedy Festival from June 7 to 11 more info at the comedy chateau dot com.