Kaipo Schwab (Video Games & Character Voiceover Demo)

Profile photo for Kaipo Schwab
Not Yet Rated


A few sample demos of the types of character voices I can perform.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, Let's get this sorted out. Changing enemy uniforms and douse the fires. Ramsey. I need your men on the ground in case civilians start asking questions Seriously. You got to take that kid back to where you found her. Look, I had somebody that I cared about to a partner, Somebody I had to look after. And you know what? That sort of **** is good for one thing. Getting yourself killed. Hey, I'm telling you important stuff. Why is the ship called Victory? Captain john was looking for ideas and I came up with it. I used to think that winning was always a good thing. Nowhere left for you to hide. Xander told me of your treachery against my family. Roger and his bull's eye. 116 76 now, 20,000. I'm a mile and a half in trail. Oh, David. We've just been here, beat a meeting the last time you told me to watch the car, A vault hunter ran off with my greatest creation, a creation. I might add that I still haven't been paid for. So this time I'm sticking to you like glue until I get what's coming to me, what I have seen in this place cannot be committed to paper without calling into question my sanity. In fact, it is quite likely that these words I write are merely figments of my imagination. Mhm.