Sample recording for movie or animation video

Profile photo for Jyoti Sinha
Not Yet Rated


In this demo, I am describing an incident from a movie or an animated video in which the character played by me comes to know about the evil forces in her husband. She warns him against it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Native American (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you don't understand. Why do you not believe me? When the signs of evils are all about you? Look at me. Look at me on the only one who can save you The only one who who knows how these creatures think who knows their weakness? Why do you love as if I were a madman? Read a second with with Where are you taking me? Where are you taking me? Don't you see they're coming? Just answer me. Don't you not see the signs with the last of the day's lighters Disappeared from the resin? You will see. Yes, Yes, you build. See? And by then it will be too late. No, no, no.