Narration of Aku's lament

Profile photo for Jyoti Sinha
Not Yet Rated


In this audio sample, I have recorded a sample of Audiobook in which a discussion is going on between two characters named Bowser and Aku. Both of them share their experiences.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Native American (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
because Lammy Basel. Yeah. So this one time marry you juvie into a pick off freaking lover lots of times. Okay. What's your story? Aku? Let me tell you my story. I used to rule over the world with nine feast. And then a samurai of them right from the past came to the future because I send him there. And then he spent 15 years doing absolutely nothing appeared in which I could have killed him 3 to 200 times more. Ondas that and I did nothing. And what did he do? He found the quarter. And then he drove us so directly through my head. Vozza. Oh, that's pretty rough, man. Cool. Yes, Judy Woodruff.