Apple V.O., Male, North American English

Profile photo for J Whizzle
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This is a video for an Apple campaign about diversity and inclusion where I am the narrator of the spot.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Open, open a door and it opens all of the others, open a mind and see what happens next. No great thing. No beautiful invention was created in a vacuum. It happens when we leave our comfort zone and come together and breaks faiths, cultures, disabilities, differences, embrace races, ages ideologies, personalities, creating a tool or a device that no one saw coming. Humanity is plural, not singular. The best way that the world works is everybody in nobody out. So that who we are made of is everyone differences. Not just celebrated. Buddy, sent you many more women in charge, equal pay for equal work everywhere. A new generation of more diverse than the one that came before me. Open is not just who we are, believe as a company because humanity isn't singular. It's plural. The truth is we don't see things the same. The power is, we don't see things the same.