Audiobook Sample

Profile photo for Joe Voegler
Not Yet Rated


Five minute sample of \"The First Case\" my latest Audiobook for Audible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the rest of the day, and evening went by uneventful until shortly after 11 o'clock. That night, when Alex woke up screaming, Donna leapt out of bed and rushed into him and Spencer's room, only to see her youngest son standing at the foot of his bed in total darkness, pointing to a spot on the wall above his brother, sleeping figure and screaming. Spencer was completely unaware of the commotion. Will, who had felt his wife get out of bed, turned on the hall light and joined her in the boys room. A moment later, Donny also came through the door, shirtless and with the look of concern on his face. What in the world is he screeching about? We'll ask. He's having a nightmare. Donna Answer. Trying to calm her little boy, Donny, direct his attention to the wall where Alex was pointing very vaguely. He could make out of face staring at them. No, he's not. He sees something. There is nothing there will set in until tone of voice. Donny looked back at the wall to see this face smiling. He felt his skin crawls. He looked back at his little brother, the little boy and stop screaming, but he was still staring straight ahead with a look of sheer terror on his face. Black eyes, Alex said simply before allowing his mother to put him back into his bed. Go back to bed, Tony. He's all right now, Donna whispered, lying down in the bed beside her youngest son, Donny Glance, at the wall once more before exiting the room. The face was gone. The next morning, the breakfast table Will was once again snapping at everyone. The boys were already at the table when he walked into the room, yet he still felt the need to demand that everyone eat their damn breakfast. Donna contributed it to his sleep, being disturbed during the night because of Alex's nightmare and thought little of it first. Good morning, honey. I made grilled cheeses, she said in her usual cheerful tone. Nothing good about it, Will barked angrily and then added, I want all of you to come straight home after school today. We're going to have a ******* family meeting about the way you boys been acting lately. Sarah's merely felt his own emotions as well as those of his family disappear. The numb feeling had returned, he put his fork down next to his plate and directed his attention to the head of the table. Even though he couldn't feel anything within the room. He knew there was something wrong yet he was completely unaffected mentally by it. Donny, who curse like a sailor, had never heard such from his dad. He stared as a man he had once boasted to his friends about being a saint. Glancing at the blank expression on Cyrus his face, he put down his fork and leaned back in his chair. Still watching his father, Spencer, looked up from his grilled cheese. Tim Minchin froze, feeling his breath catch in his throat. The man at the head of the table looked like his dad, except where his blue eyes should have been. There were pitch black, empty sockets. Spencer looked around the room, and his mom and brothers. None of them seemed to be able to see what he could see. Except maybe for Cyrus, who was staring at the man blankly trying to hurry up and finish his breakfast. Alex reached for his napkin and accidentally knocked over his glass of milk. The milk ran across the table and began to drip onto the floor before anyone had time to react, Well jumped up, knocking over his own chair and grabbed a little boy by the arm, jerking him from the chair. He held him inches from his face and began screaming, What the **** is wrong with you? Look what a mess you made. Now you get down on the floor and look that **** up! Donna burst into tears as Donny got to his feet. Let him go! He shouted, moving around the table toward the man. And if I don't, we'll ask, is a sly smile Across his lips, Spencer looked at Cyrus. His face was devoid of any reaction. The one who normally took on all sensations around him was calmly eating his breakfast as though it was the most ordinary morning ever. Spencer knew then that he wasn't the only one being affected by the presence in the house. The scene in front of was rapidly escalating. Donny and Will were in each other's faces, shouting back and forth. What the **** is wrong with you lately? Donny asked, pushing his father. Boy, you don't know who you're screwing with, will spattered his son and shoving him against the wall. Pulling back his fist, he strapped on repeatedly in the face that the boy tried to fight back. The man who probably wouldn't have weighed £150 soaking wet and had never hit another person. His life had the apprehend against his athletic and strong son. It seemed like the man was being driven by another force, thinking his dad was going to kill his brother if he didn't do something, Spencer shouted, Stop! Donna clutched Alex to her chest on the floor amid the spilled milk, Cyrus continued to stare straight ahead, as if in a trance. We'll carry on with pummeling, Donny thinking fast. Spencer picked up the overturned milk glass and slammed it against the floor, shattering it instantly. The feeling of the room changed. Sarah's blinked and looked around the room as tears began to flow down his cheeks, his face turned ashen and then read as he began to experience Donny's emotions Will took a step back in confusion, looking down the blood on his knuckles and then back up at his son's battered face, well leaned on the table to steady himself as a realization of what he'd done set in. Donny wiped up the blood pouring from his nose with his T shirt collar. His eyes were swelling in. His lip was busted open while blood drips from the corners of his mouth.