Space documentary demo reading



Reading a sample script from a space documentary with some ethereal music behind.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It is our destiny to explore the far frontiers of space. Last century, we took the first steps to the moon. Imagine we were ready to take the next giant leap. This is the story of a manned voyage to the planets. Humanity's greatest challenge and ultimate adventure. This eight billion mile tour of our solar system is based on science fact, not fiction using data from over 40 years of unmanned probes and human space flight. It is a vision of how technology could take us on a search for the origins of our own planet and signs of extraterrestrial life. No single nation could take on a project. This fast a manned mission to the planet is a global endeavor. But the dreams of billions lie in the hands of just five astronauts. They represent a wide range of disciplines, engineering, medicine, geology, and aeronautics. These five are scientists as well as astronauts and they've been training for this mission most of their adult lives.