General American/American Mid-west Audiobook Narration

Profile photo for Juli Brooks
Not Yet Rated


Animated/Explaining/Excited/Child-like/Scared/Anxious/Fantasy/Determined/Resigned/Sad/Disappointed/Woman Narrating Male Part/Incredulous

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Andy, their courageous leader gripped the steering wheel of determination. Maya, with her scientific mind meticulously studied the control panel ensuring that every system was ready for the interstellar journey. Oliver, the creative spirit of the group peered through the cockpit window where a tapestry of stars winked and shimmered as the engines roared to life. The spacecraft trembled with energy ready to defy gravity and soar through the cosmic tapestry, the astronauts exchanged excited glances, their tiny hearts beating in sync with the thrum of the spacecraft's engine with a surge of power. The spaceship lifted off the ground leaving the familiar meadow far below the astronauts watched with awe as the world they once knew, transformed into a mere speck fading into the distance. Their dreams have become a tangible reality and they marveled at the limitless possibilities that awaited them among the stars. As I ran, I could hear an odd rustling in the trees to my side. Something was there. The rustling sounds grew louder and louder. The farther I got into the woods, it made me completely forget about Apollo. I reached the clearing and stopped. I turned toward the sound of the rustling and a large beast appeared from the woods. My bow appeared in my hand as I stared at the hybrid lion and eagle before me, a Griffin Apollo came to my side and a bow appeared in his hand as well. We stared at the beast together. It lunged at us and we both jumped in opposite directions. I rolled across the ground. A cracking sound coming from my ankle. I wouldn't let it stop me. I stood trying to ignore the pain shooting through my leg. I aimed my bow and shot at the Griffin. The arrow landed in the leg and I smiled at the irony. Apollo was on the other side of it shooting at its wings. It turned to him and attempted to catch him in his beak. But Apollo was too quick and moved to the side with perfect precision. Life would be short. She wouldn't fight the disease gracefully. As they would later describe in her eulogy. She wouldn't smile through the bouts of pain and fear. She wouldn't be positive or hopeful. She would angrily curse and claim she was being robbed because she was in fact being robbed. She would hug her Children and explain that not everything happens for a reason. Life was tough and there was no sugarcoating their destiny without her by their side, life could be despicable. No, she wasn't going to a better place. I'm just dying. She would tell them her brutal honesty only made her Children respect her more. They know deep in their souls that their mother loved them. A feeling they would carry forever a feeling they would pass on to their own Children one day their mother's love for them. Blinking several times. Noah, tried to push away the tears that had welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe that the science project he had worked on all summer had exploded before he could present it to the science fair judges taking a deep breath. He finally looked around only to be met with surprised faces and eyes bulging with fright. He felt as if a time bomb had gone off instead of a faulty science project. Everybody seemed frozen in time. His gaze finally rested on Mr Harris, his science teacher, Noah watched the teacher as he cleared his throat, finally breaking the silence. Oh Noah. He said, looking at him softly. I'm sorry this happened. But I'm glad you're ok. Noah nodded but couldn't bring himself to say anything. Why don't you tell me what the project was supposed to be? Mr Harris gave him a slight smile. Maybe we can still give you a score based on your concept and efforts. Looking around him again. Noah found that everybody was still staring at him, probably waiting for an explanation. I it was meant for communicating with people from the future. Noah mumbled so quietly. He doubted Mr Harris hurt him. But the astonished look on Mr Harris's face proved that he did. Blinking Mr Harris opened and closed his mouth a few times, struggling to find words. Noah. Are you saying you built a time machine? He finally asked, pointing at the now wrecked project that still had smoke coming out of it hesitantly. Noah, nodded without saying anything and tried to ignore the sound of laughter and the mocking Glas the other kids were giving him Mr Harris. Let out a sigh. No. Uh time travel isn't real. It only happens in science fiction movies. Noah looked down at his feet saying nothing. He figured it wouldn't make a difference because nobody would believe him. Anyway, Jerry, I'd like to make you a proposal. I stand at the threshold of my boss's office waiting for him to reply. I'm nervous yet determined. I remind myself that I've been rehearsing this conversation over and over for several days. Cheryl come in, Jerry and his business partner. Bill own a financial services firm. They hired me for a secretarial job. Jerry was the nice boss. That's why I'm approaching him first. He motions me into his big corner office without looking up from his work. I try to find a comfortable spot in front of his desk. Do I sit or stand my hands start to sweat and I can feel my throat tighten, but I'm going to say my piece, I inch up closer to his desk, careful not to roll an ankle or trip in my heels. I need to exude confidence. Right now, I can't come across as a nervous young newlywed pregnant to boot with only a high school diploma. Although that's what I am.