AmericanEnglish , education games, training videos for companies

Profile photo for Juli Brooks
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E-Learning Projects: First a description for Activity tv, second Children's Educational Space Game, third from Pitch to Close on demand video series, fourth Type to Learn Jr., how to find the perfect running shoe for you.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Every day is an adventure with activity TV. It's the place to be for hundreds of awesome activities and dozens of categories. Cartooning to magic, to cooking and more ready for you, day or night. This month, learn some gross out magic. Watch closely as Ryan teaches you to perform the severed finger trick. Today, we're going to explore all of the planets in our solar system and some other places as well. We'll travel into the future when astronauts live throughout the solar system on each world, we'll see what the weather is like, what we would wear and what we would do to have fun, grab your oxygen, put on your seatbelt and let's blast off. Hi and welcome to our on demand video series from pitch to close designed to help you win new business. This course provides you with real world selling strategies right across the sale cycle, equipped with video modules including sea level objection handling, qualifying opportunities, negotiating best practices and more. This is the perfect training program for anyone selling business to business products or services. By now, you should have completed your sales readiness self assessment. Join us in the first module. For prospecting new business and access the offline assignment. That'll help you on your personal learning path to supercharge your sales performance. In this module, we will discuss what to do. If you come across an unattended mobile mover. A mobile mover is an assistive device used to carry heavy objects from point A to point B. This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver or if an automatic mode must be supervised at all times. Welcome to type to learn. Junior. Click on Shelby and me to go to the learning center to practice your keyboarding skills. Click on Cassie Hopkins or tiny to return the login screen. Click log in when you're ready to leave the program. Click quit. You can return to this screen at any time to change activities. Have fun. There is no perfect running shoe partly because no 2 ft are alike. Even on the same person, still top brands can be comfortable, safe and effective running mates. If you know what to look for. This video, gives you some practical guidelines to help you find shoes that will serve you well in the long run. If in doubt, don't buy shoes should feel just right in the store. Don't count on improvements after they're broken in. Take your time to buy, try to shop when business is slow. So you won't feel embarrassed about trying on many pairs of shoes buying in haste is a good way to end up with poorly. Fitting shoes that can cause injuries.