Deep, Sultry, Believable Male Voice-Over.

Profile photo for Judson Anderson
Not Yet Rated


This is a motivational script and I uploaded and edited the music and did the voice over work in a sound proof booth.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I know that you're scared and it's a good thing to be scared because with that fear, you realize that there is a strange adrenaline rush that takes over you, akin to most of the top athletes and singers right before they play and start their performance. As you feel scared, you can begin to, you know, use this emotion for the better. Use the brush, use the adrenaline, use all of this nervous energy. You get scared because your mind pictures things not going in your favor. However, the mind is creative. One of the scenarios that can create can come from the space of courage. It's all a picture in your head at the end of the day. So why don't you take this opportunity to think of the outcome that you want? The one in which you'll feel happy, satisfied and excited about this journey that you're about to take? Yes. Use all of the nervous energy to imagine the level of euphoria unfathomable so far in your life. It's bright and vivid. You put aside the negative images you are seeing with these new, beautiful and breathtaking ones. Yes, you can now begin to believe in yourself, like a hypnotic order