Audiobook Multiple Male Character



Fiction audiobook with multiple male characters

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
rounding the corner. He knew he didn't have much time. They were right behind him. We're on, damn it, He thought to himself, Keep going. Don't stop. He heard a bullet zipped past him. The wind. It rode on, tickling his year. Another one ripped through the canvas of his jacket as he ran just missing the soft flesh of his left arm. A third one found its mark right between his shoulder blades, sending his momentum forward for the second. It took his brain to catch up with his body. He thought, I'm flying. Then suddenly the ground was where the sky should be. In reality, hit him like the bullets still in his back. Ah, Brick! And you know, Yeah, that coming well, Sam Adams drawled as he closed the distance between him and the man laying face down on the pavement. No, he thought angrily, No, this can't be it. This is not how I go down knowing, Even as he thought the words the burning in his back and the numbness everywhere else meant otherwise, he looked up as much as his neck would allow. A pair of boots settled next to his head. Adam stood leaning against the alley wall, looking down, gun held loosely in his right hand, as if to convey resolutely that the chase was, in fact, over. You're done, Sam. Yeah, Coughed Sam, his mouth filling with blood looks that way.