Bugs Bunny, Pikachu and Yzma voice over

Profile photo for Juanita Cao
Not Yet Rated


I like these three characters and tried my best to emulate the voice over actors and actresses while doing it. It's impossible to match these legends and this is also my first time doing this while recorded.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm a ragged, rugged lover of the wild and wooly West. Of all the things I haven't got. I like gold the best. Oh it rained all night the day I left. The weather was so dry it was so warm. I froze to death. Susanna! Don't you cry? Oh Susanna! Don't you cry for me? I'm gonna get me lots of gold. V for victory and good evening friend. Mm hmm. What's up doc Erica? We got through. It is no concern of mine or whether your family has. What was it again? Who does that ungrateful little worm? Think he is.