
Profile photo for Janet Simmons
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


A demo featuring various narrative styles ranging from inspirational, sassy, motivational

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Richard Williams was a former sharecropper from Louisiana who would do anything to see his daughter succeed. So when they were young, he bought a few books on tennis and a handful of instructional videos and taught himself the basics of the game. He then began to instruct his daughter's, Venus and Serena. So your mama used to make banana pudding and you thought it was amazing. Okay, but guess what? We're not going to make your mamas banana pudding. In fact, we're going to do one better. Trust me, this recipe combines all the things you love about classic banana pudding with a unique modern twist. Kids need role models, but they also need expectations. If you don't tell a child where you expect them to go in life, you can't be surprised if they don't get their. But we're not just talking about career goals. June Bug Warren was a popular singer on the Southern Bruce circuit. Everywhere she went, she sang in front of adoring audiences, but her personal life was a different story, full of broken relationships and sour business deals. And then one morning in early August 2009 burning light that was June bug. Warren was permanently and violently snuffed out