Animation Demo James Pidgeon

Profile photo for James Pidgeon
Not Yet Rated


Cartoon voices from young to old, quirky and humorous.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
wakey wakey. Come on, get up. You're gonna miss pigeons animation. Hoist em! Oh, wait. Pigeons voice them always about to start. What? But Robbie Trevor a man. I was just dreaming of coming down the slopes, getting serious air and pulling some wicked 3/4 stiff fees. And wait a minute. What are you doing in my room? Pint size. Shouldn't you be playing with your dolls or hanging out with your four year old girlfriend? Oh, foreign spies. This will slow your twisted plans. It's You can help us stop foreign spies from destroying our country by joining the Commander Cash Junior Spy Club Must be 18. No product purchase necessary. Little boy is your mummy or daddy home? I'm selling by. Or beware the video where we show you how to sell your customers something he doesn't want or need. Or now, in a free vegetables, you'll receive a free never before offered lifetime guarantee. Free 30 day trial postage guaranteed. No obligation. No salesman will call. Offer up. Hey, a some winning there. I heard voices. I was thinking it might be my nurse. Or maybe it was the voices in my head, But don't sound different. Nuh Hazara mirror in there. I have to fix my gown again. There's a big rip in the back. I don't know who is so in these things, but they're certainly not doing a very good job. Thanks for listening. At least one more voice is available. Are you a foreign spy?