Narration Demo

Profile photo for Jeffrey Fabrizio
Not Yet Rated


Voice talent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In order to make Espresso, you need to grind the coffee beans into smaller pieces with particles around the size of table salt, then take around 20 g and add it to your Espresso machine. This is the standard serving size often referred to as a double shop. If you'd like greater body or intensity, you can always add more. We still don't have a cure for alzheimer's. But thanks to decades of research, we are learning how to prevent it. Number one, take care of your overall health, high blood pressure and a poor diet are major risk factors. Second, keep your brain active by learning new skills Later in life, you can decrease your risk significantly. New Zealanders are famous for their positive outlook on life, but considering where they come from, can you blame them with scenic beaches and jagged mountains, rolling green hills and crystal blue lakes. New Zealand is like every landscape painting you've ever wanted to buy all come to life. On the fourth day he got on his motorcycle and drove 100 miles along the mountain ridge until he reached the small town of paladino. A crowd of young boys gathered around him for a closer look. He asked the boys where he could find the nearest tavern, Cantina, he said in broken spanish. The boys grew silent tense. Finally, one boy pointed down the block to which the traveler nodded and drove on