You are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

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For this demo, I chose the introduction of Sincero's book \" You Are a Badass at Making Money\". It is a conversation she has with her readers in which she lets the readers know it is okay to not have a perfect relationship with money and how to move in the direction of strengthening the relationship.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you are a badass at making money by Jensen zero for Gina Devi who's wise guidance, loyal friendship and relentless *** kicking, helped me out of the garage and into a whole new financial reality. Oh, introduction. If you're ready to make more money, you can. I don't care how many times you've tried and failed or if you're so broke, you're selling your bodily fluids for bus fare or how often you found yourself center stage at the checkout, feigning shock and indignation. Are you sure declined? That's impossible. Can you run it one more time? No matter how I have a question, it may seem for you at this moment you can make lots of money even I'm about everyone. I love a house and a gold tooth kind of money. If that's what turns you on. I would also like to point out that there's nothing horribly wrong with you if you haven't figured out how to do it yet. Money is one of the most lauded topics out there. We love money, hate money, obsessed over money, ignore money. Present money poured money crave money. Bad mouth money money is rife with so much desire and shame and weirdness. It's a wonder he can utter the word above a whisper, let alone go out and joyfully take it in. Have you been brave enough to read this book in public? I wonder with the title in full view. It reminds me a lot of how we've been conditioned to deal with sex. Another gold medalist in the topics that totally freaked people out. Competition when it comes to having sex and making money, you're supposed to know what you're doing and all great at it, but nobody teaches you anything about it and you're never supposed to talk about it because it's inappropriate dirty, not so classy. Both money and sex can provide unthinkable pleasures, birth, new life and inspire violence and divorce. We're ashamed if you don't have it, were even more ashamed to admit we want it. We will do things and or people or not nuts about in order to get it. And I know I am not you. Anyone who has caught myself fantasizing about a stranger dressed like batman coming up and giving me some on a bench in central Park. Am I? The good news is if you like, most people have a troubled or conflicted relationship with money, you have the ability to heal it transform it and become such awesome pals with money that you wake up one day to find yourself standing in the middle of the life you've always wanted to live and you can start making the change right now. All you need to do is wake up to what's holding you back, make new powerful choices about what you focus on and smart in yourself about money and go for it. Like you've never gone for it before, which is what I think this book will help you do. I personally transformed my financial reality so quickly and massively that everyone who knows me well, is still wondering what the **** happened. And believe me when I say if my broke *** can do it, you can do it too. No matter how rickety or hopeless you may feel right now Because I know precisely zero things about making money until I was in my 40s, my forties, that's the age where most people possess things like houses and college funds for their kids and the understanding of how the dow jones works. Meanwhile, at 40 I possessed a bearing bank account, a deep wrinkle line between my eyebrows from stress and the first name basis relationship with Shayla at the collection agency. For the vast majority of my adult life, I was a freelance writer forever scrambling for work that paid an insulting non amount considering how time consuming and challenging it was. Had I actually done the math, I would have realized just how free my Lansing was, but I instead chose to be in denial of the facts, work harder, complain more and just you know, hope that I somehow magically start raking in the dough or get run over by someone rich who would then have to take care of me for the rest of my life. My water type plan for getting out of financial struggle was partly based on having a whole lot of hang ups about money. Money is evil, rich people are gross. I have no idea how to make money. I have no idea what to do with the, even if I did know how to make it, etcetera, as well as my perpetual and torrent, its state of indecision. I knew I was a writer and I also knew I wanted to do more than sit in a room in my robe and type all day. I just didn't know what I wanted to do.