Medical Explainer



A series of videos for medical explanation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
advanced care directives. These legal documents tell others what medical care you want to receive. If you lose the ability to communicate, they give others a clear plan to follow. Thes papers are important for anyone nearing the end of life. You don't need a lawyer to write them, but they must be witnessed, and they become legally valid as soon as they're signed. There are two main types of advanced care directives. The first is called a living Well. It lets doctors know your wishes if you lose the ability to breathe or if your heart stops beating. It describes whether or not you want to be kept alive by other means, and it says whether or not you want to donate your organs. The second type is called a medical Power of Attorney It names Who would make the decisions about your medical care If you can't choose a trusted family member or friend, Medical power of attorney goes into effect. If a doctor says you're unable to make your own decisions, Advanced Care Directive laws may vary from place to place. Its important to fill out the forms that apply to the place where you live. The way you expect to receive medical care. Many people don't like to think about these documents until they're faced with an emergency, but it's best to plan ahead. Fill out your advance care directives while you are healthy. Talk about these issues with your loved ones. With a plan in place, you can be sure you'll receive the care you want.