I speak fluently in English and Spanish! I’m also a sports announcer

Profile photo for Jordan Garcia
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


I filmed, directed, and acted every role in this demo. I do all of them in my home studio where I record podcasts, television ads, and voice overs. I also run a low cost Sports Program for Children in the city of Flint, MI!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Video title introducing the new product that does it all. Sample ad video opens with a close up of a person holding a box with sample printed on the side. Cut to a shot of a retail store. In the background are people shopping chattering and enjoying their time narrator. Does it ever feel like you're not able to keep up with all the new products out there. Cut to close ups of some of the people in the store, we all want the latest and greatest, but how can we do it without breaking the bank? Cut to a products box on a shelf narrator introducing sample the camera, zooms in pans to the contents inside, then zooms back out to reveal several more product boxes on the shelf. The revolutionary new product that does it all cut to a close up of someone using the product then pan out to show a larger group of people using the product in different scenarios, narrator with sample, you can stay on top of the latest trends and always have the newest and coolest products without spending a fortune shot of more people using the product in their daily lives. Cut to product and use in a lab narrator. Thanks two samples, cutting edge technology, you can trust that you're getting the highest quality products for the best prices. Cut to someone talking on the phone about sample, spend less and do more when you choose sample cut to a person scrolling through product info on their phone narrator. Get the details on sample and its amazing features on our website website address appears on screen and sign up for our newsletter. For even more savings. Cut to the person completing their purchase narrator. It's time to try sample and experience the new way to do more. For less. Cut to product being used, narrator. Get sample and get the best products without breaking your budget. Fade to logo and Web address narrator sample. Get more without spending more.