Commercial demo

Profile photo for Johnny Quinones
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A range of television and radio ads, from casual and friendly, to bold and energetic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you know how important you are? Not? A lot of people can truly say today I made a difference, but every day you do ever wonder what it would be like. Instead of moronic traffic stormy weather, hot coffee spilling into your crotch and the boss from ****, you started your day like this summer's on at your Toyota dealer and if you're qualified through Toyota Motor Credit, you'll save thousands. So I went to this free website called Lower My Bills dot com. And they offered me several ways to do just that. Do I sleep better? You better believe it. We live in a pretty smart world, smart cars, smart phones and now smart engine oils need a little help finding out what's a real deal and what's not join the club car club dot com.