We All Live In A Police Box.

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Three comedy sketches featuring the following impersonations:

Jon Pertwee
Rex Robinson
Nicholas Courtney
Tom Baker
Ian Marter
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
William Hartnell

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
take a look. Dr. Tyler, would you mind telling me precisely what's been going on? It's a bit difficult to explain. Where on earth is the brigadier? He's just gone to the lavatory. You see what happened, Wass in my laboratory. That's right. Let's just say that the young girl got a little bit of a shock when the brigadier turned up to work this morning. I did myself. What on earth are you babbling and babbling on about? Man? Would you kindly come to The point has come to the point is a very apt phrase Teo used Teo, I think you're about to find out for yourself why the young girl was frightened. Because, you see, this morning the brigadier turned up to work. Google me commando Doctor, What are you staring at that time? Staring at the temple? It's just that I what? That good grief. Well, handle this dark, if you don't mind. You see, Brigadier, I think what the doctor is trying to say to cut a long query short is well, why? The answer is perfectly simple. Liberty Ball, Dr Tyler. Liberty ball was much more difficult from behind kind of way. That way Joe, Can I have a bottle of Baby Sham and the point of injury? I think the least I could do have to. Stig. Ron? Yes. Let's hope that's the last of that, chaps. Here's your baby. Thank you so much. I say, Doctor, look, those two Dolly birds over there, you know, body, that's just typical of you. What did I am stuck in Canada? I can't risk using. Well, I just think I should have a *** was where I wanted. I've got some rather nice Marlboro lights here. Bad. Well, I was just I can't do that Complete **** wish. I think **** weasels its strong. Really, You do? Yes, you do. Come on, Doctor. All right. I don't think about Dolly birds at all marbles, and no, I don't. Never mind. Maybe we could just have a quick look through this book that I just picked up from the newsagent. It's got readers wise. You're not making the seventies look good. Baddie nonsense. A chap can do what he likes to whoever he likes. Of course, you've just put your finger on. Sorry. Chap can do whatever he likes. You can't give a human being that sort of freedom's been become a little bit like Stig Rossen. Precisely. We're creating a sociopath Thick soup for the future. All that remains is for someone to heat it up, will you, anyway, So that gives the fact we haven't over that magazine. They were any chance of getting that back without any creases, Doctor? Hello, George. I've been told that you and the other land saw something rather strange this afternoon at Lime Grove. Well, I'm not really sure what heart just disappeared. Rise. It was Paul's. Or thanks for the George. So on. And so what? Did you see them, Paul? It looks like it's down to you. You saw a police box. The Pine grove studio you're preparing for round 6 to 5. Should write on DH dam. And what It's what happened? What happened? A man came into the studio. Yes. And what did what did he look like? What we had wide her unit, right? And what did he say to you? So he got in that thing and it disappeared, right? Well, it was really strange because John and I thought we could hear a girl, you know, in the box. We thought he's farting on ology. That's right. And, you know, we thought he had someone locked up in there. So, you know, I said to him, You know, if you got someone locked up there, you know, and he said no. And he said, Young man, is it reasonable to suppose that someone would be inside a cupboard like that, which, you know, it's quite cheeky. So I said to him, You know, Well, therefore, you know, would it be unreasonable to let us have a look inside on? Did he allow that? No, no, no. What he did then? Yeah, I see you ran inside and he shut the door. We could hear music. You know, coming out, I think, was John Smith and the common man on you know? Then the box just disappeared. I mean, John phases, you know, and he just normally face all They're just hoping that we'll be back in time for the show. Yes, of course. What? Where's rings already goes going with him. Ringo doesn't feigns. He's probably the toughest off. Yeah, so Yeah, but when the box was made when exactly, George, it made a strange sound. Strange sound. What do you mean, like, wait till ask May, I would say, Sounded like the whole fabric of space and time being ripped apart at the seams. George, you tel. I know it is. We did. And he felt like that as well. You know, the whole every the room. Sure. Yeah. On. Um yeah, was gone. It was it Was it gone? You know, no magic, you know, really did disappear. Just gone. Gone, you know?