Natural, folksy narration Voice of God

Movie Trailers


I have experience with storytelling, VSL

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once upon a time in our small little town, there lived a young, fearless fighter. He wasn't the prettiest nor the smartest, but he was the toughest for when he was a young boy. He saw something so deeply disturbing, so gut wrenching that he stopped feeling anything. This is the legend of Chester Ah boy who couldn't feel pain. Chester was part of the sharks. Nelson, the gang leader, required everyone to have gold plated teeth to show who's boss in town. He was the only family Chester had. The Sharks were always hanging around at Nelson's bowling alley, but things had changed. There was a new owner in town. Once upon a time, in our small little town lived a young, fearless fighter. He wasn't the prettiest nor the smartest, but he was the toughest for when he was a young boy. He saw something so deeply disturbing, so gut wrenching that he stopped feeling anything. This is the legend of Chester Boy, who couldn't feel pain. Chester was part of the sharks. Nelson, the gang leader, required everyone to have gold plated teeth. The show's boss in town, he was the only family Chester head. The sharks were always hanging around at Nelson's bowling alley, but things had changed. There was a new owner in town