American English male vitamin and sleep aid ads

Profile photo for Joey Mills
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Four ads for television, radio, and online advertising for vitamins and sleep aids.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these kids are the pickiest eaters. I'm worried my little ones aren't getting the vitamins in their diet that they need. I sometimes get away with hiding the occasional carrot in a casserole that they'll actually eat. But that doesn't happen often enough. My doctor recommended vita Fund Children's vitamins. They're gummy and delicious and my kids just love them now they get a snack and I get the reassurance that they're full of the vitamins they need. Now. If only adult vitamins were this delicious. Do you see one AM, two AM three AM or even four AM every morning? Not because you're pouring over your life's work or because you're the world's most exuberant early bird, but because you haven't fallen asleep yet, put your insomnia to bed with nocturnal rest, all natural sleep aid. Do you have all the late night infomercials memorized. But not because you're obsessed with acting now to double your order, but because you just haven't fallen asleep yet. Put your insomnia to bed with nocturnal rest. All natural sleep aid. Does your step counter show you've made it halfway to your step goal for the day before seven a.m. Not because you're the get up and run five miles to work type, but because you just haven't fallen asleep yet. Put your insomnia to bed with nocturnal rest. All natural sleep aid