\"MBA\" This is a demo of a voices.com sample radio script.

Profile photo for Joe Johns
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


My attempt here was to conjure a vision of a student speaking to the listener. The goal of the ad is to encourage prospective MBA students to go back to school. I studied acting with voice training in undergrad and can come up with a variety characters to suit needs of the client.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Always wanted to get your MB A. What's the hold up if it's tuition fees? Let me tell you, do I have a deal for you at Gerard's NBA Institute. We've just slashed the entrance fee by 50%. That's right. It's now officially affordable to get your MB A. But you've got to do it. Now, call before midnight to secure your space in our MBA program. It just takes one call one year and one heck of a lot of determination, mention this commercial and receive an additional 20% off at the campus bookstore. The number to call is 5551212. See you this September.