ELearning Demo - Informative - Knowledgeable - Helpful - Trainer



eLearning demo for brands like Google and covering a variety of topics from tutorials to corporate trainings

eLearning Demo - Informative - Knowledgeable - Helpful - Trainer

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thanks to Google assistant, you can control your TV control your world without using any gesture. Theo. Only thing you need is your voice. Press the Google assistant button and say whatever you want. Now let's try saying What's the weather today in New York? And now how many people live in the US or play my favorite music? See easy Hello and welcome to TCL tutorials. Thank you for watching. If you'd like to get more information, visit us at tcl dot com. Okay, let's get started. TCL Remote control Functions in Overview Have you ever wondered what it's like to have a perfect remote control? TCL comes with the answer. TCL RC 80 to V is a combination of simplicity and functionality. It's small, handy and incredibly easy to use. Quick find out MAWR to get more information Before starting this course, you should have received two leadership transition assessments, one for you and one for your manager. If you or your manager have not filled these out, please complete them now before moving on. If needed, you can download them here. Theus Assessment contains a number of open ended questions, and it's recommended that you set aside at least 30 minutes to complete it. While the assessment takes only a short amount of time to complete, the value that feedback provides is extraordinary. Will refer to this assessment throughout the course. Thistles. Carlos He was recently promoted to manager because of the great job he was doing, but now he's struggling with something that's making him an ineffective leader. See if you could figure out what it iss. No one sets out to be an ineffective leader. So where do you think these ineffective behaviors come from? Some contributing factors to poor leadership behavior include lack of positive role models, lack of training, business demands or pressure and feelings of insecurity, common obstacles and suggestions on dealing with, um, lack of confidence in the new role potential solution. Understand that you aren't expected to know everything. Meet with your peer network and ask for help in understanding the expectations of your new role. Remember that confidence often comes with time as you settle into the role