Carolina Panthers/Guy Roofing

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Voiced and delivered spot for NFL's Carolina Panthers game broadcasts, working directly from client script

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's football season. And as we all know, a good defense is the best offense that same rule applies to your roof. If your roof is in great shape, the rest of your home stays safe. Guy. Roofing has committed 50 years to the roofing industry and as the official roofing contractor of the Carolina Panthers, these are the go to guys for all things roofing. Trust your roof with the most seasoned team in the game. Guy roofing call 1 807 780778 or visit guy roofing dot com. For more details, Guy Roofing is the official roofing contractor of the Carolina Panthers. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, hey, the Panthers don't have a roof. Well, look again. Ok, you're right. There's no roof, but guy Roofing has roofed hundreds of houses in Charlotte and we've been roofing experts for almost 50 years. So if the Panthers ever need a roof and you need a new one, we're ready to help go to guy roofing dot com today to schedule your free estimate at go Panthers experience is everything in the roofing industry. Good balance is important too, of course. Oh, and not being afraid of heights that's important too. And sunscreen that's key also. But experience, that's what really counts. Guy. Roofing has offered expert roofing services for almost 50 years. We're family owned and nationally recognized and we're ready to help at a moment's notice. For professional roofing services you can trust for decades to come. Go to guy roofing dot com today.