Voice Over Reel

Profile photo for Jimmy Savage
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is a compilation of a few different samples.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the polka dot, People live in the rift valley of northwestern kenya. There are estimated to be more than one million Pocock people and they live in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. Most don't have access to clean water and so more than 70% of their babies die before they ever turned five years old. Once upon a time in the Rolling Hills of Northern France, there lived two sisters, Scarlet and Olivia Morgan. The two sisters bolstered a vivid imagination and we're always giggling in playing with one another each evening at bedtime. They're aupair Miss Helen would read them a story from the girl's favorite book of fairy tales. However, tonight Scarlett found out that her parents were leaving on a trip to paris and she was terribly upset. Scarlett had come to realize her parents vacation would mean she and Olivia would be left at home with Miss Helen. The thought of not seeing her parents for two weeks left Scarlett in Tears. Olivia attempts to console her younger sister, but nothing seems to work. In an effort to distract her sister. Olivia decides to read Scarlet her favorite story. After thumbing through the thick book of fairy tales, she finally found Scarlett's favorite story. Cinderella. Between family work and play life has a way of pushing you in one direction and pulling you in another. Push pull, push pull. It's easy to lose track of time. Overload your schedule and become completely unbalanced. What is tithing? What does God say about it? And do I need to tie? This is tithing in plain english? Let's start from the top. We all desire to be healthy, whether it's physically emotionally or spiritually, but sometimes we can get so busy with our families, our jobs and our finances that we can lose sight of our goals. The cool thing is, the bible has a lot to say about every essential area of our lives. When we take the time to hear what the bible says, it has the power to change everything. This winter. You're invited to Heritage Church. As we take a look at how the bible can help us transform into the people we've always wanted to be.