Upbeat Female Voice, American English- Commercial

Profile photo for Jessica Jordan
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


My voice was recorded in my at-home studio. All other music/mixing was provided by the production companies
Clips in Reel:
-Big Game Energy online Ad by Spacestation Gaming
-PopCorners Spec Ad by Carousel
-Claire's Spec Ad by Carousel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're excited to announce Big Game Energy, zero sugar. Great taste and Clean Energy without the crash, developed with a new tropic formula for improved focus, faster processing and enhanced memory topped off with the highest stem at 300 mg. Should we? Well, Pepsico has the perfect answer. Pop corners. Pop corners is the never fried, always fun popcorn snack. That's also tasty and fun and they're already making a lot of noise in the US. In fact, it's increased with the love for multiple and cartilage piercings. So who do people turn to for an ear piercing experience? They can trust to us. We're claire's the ear piercing specialists.