Friendly, bright, welcoming, and conversational delivery

Profile photo for Jenna Burns
Not Yet Rated


Within this demo there are sample from three audiobooks, a documentary and a medical journal. I selected these pieces myself, and recorded them in a professional studio to have the demo mixed and produced.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
all these years, I thought it was my friends who were a little crazy, but I'm starting to think it's me. I suppose you could consider it odd that I've never tried meatloaf before. But how can meat be a loaf? That's all I'm saying. But really it was the incident with the squirrel and the shopping cart that made me question whether or not I was the most well adjusted person in the world. No one's really seen. The tooth fairy Tommy Tulin said he did, but he's always fibbing. I'm always asleep when the tooth fairy comes. I tried to stay up one time. But sure enough, I fell asleep and by morning I had a shiny quarter left under my pillow, affecting women of all ages and economic classes. This mysterious and often debilitating disease can have severe consequences. Endometrium like tissues should only grow in the lining of the uterus when they begin to grow in areas as diffuse as the abdominal cavity, lymph nodes, or even in the outer extremities. The patient can suffer extreme discomfort. At the grand age of 10. Going on 30 Elizabeth was certain in her knowledge of the world when I invited her to go to a musical for the first time and asked her if she was excited, she said, What's the big deal? I've seen lots of musicals on television, so I already know what they're like, I replied agreeably. Maybe you do. But why don't you wait and see before you make up your mind, although to kill a mockingbird was an overwhelming success. Lee was mysteriously quiet over the years. Much speculation has been offered on the subject of the role of childhood friend Truman Capote in writing the novel. Some have suggested that he wrote the entire book himself, while others believe he co wrote it. I'm Jenna Burns, thanks for listening. Mhm.