Untamed Minds - Onscreen opening for a Furniture Industry Design Event

Video Narration


This voiceover was performed on screen in front of a large audience as the opening for the US furniture industry's, 2023 Pinnacle Design Awards event. Designed to start the event in an powerful, authentic, effective way!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Great design is a restless beast pacing constantly behind a wall of mediocrity. Looking for a weak spot, a crack a place to break through. It's easy to forget as we walk down streets of sales that it's out there roaming in the forest of ideas. Almost everyone forgot to explore but not everyone to some of us. That forest is familiar ground. And while the next great design may be found in some calm corner of that wilderness, it will arrive with a fierceness that tears through our boredom rips down the accepted and carries us off to a place we've never expected that still somehow feels like home. Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate the untamed minds whose ideas have carried us away. Welcome to the 2023 Pinnacle Awards.