High Point Veterans Initiative; supporting veterans & their families

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John's voiceover in this piece is accessible, authentic, believable, warm, wise and friendly. The piece was designed to engage the military community and their families to want to live in work in the City of High Point when they leave military service.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
An average of 20,000 service members transition into civilian life annually from military installations across North Carolina. These veterans can sometimes face difficulties settling into their new lives, particularly with finding employment to help support their move from military to civilian life. The Business High Point Chamber of Commerce, the Heroes Center of High Point and visit have joined forces to create the High Point veterans initiative, a collaborative effort to focus on veteran support, employer engagement and overall quality of life to ensure successful outcomes for transitioning service members, veterans and their families. For more information on how high point is working to support its veterans search high point veterans initiative to connect