Non-Fiction Audiobook/eLearning Textbook-- Articulate, Relatable, Warm

Profile photo for Jay Myers
Acheivement Badges Superstar


A psychology training textbook enumerating many techniques and case specifics to professionals in a relatable and conversational manner.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to develop an understanding of emotional embodiment work. Let's begin with real life examples this chapter and the next will present clinical examples of emotional embodiment, touch upon some key concepts that underlie the approach and give the reader a feel for how the work developed Over time. I will not be discussing in depth the specific skills for embodying emotion. In the chapters in this section, a detailed treatment of the skills involved can be found in part three, I first noticed the effectiveness of emotional embodiment treatments when working with clients experiencing high levels of emotion and these are the case studies presented in this chapter. In the next chapter, I present examples of treatments working with clients involving lower levels of emotion, through which I learned the breadth and versatility of the effectiveness of emotional embodiment. The names and locations of some individuals have been changed to honor their requests for anonymity. Petra the voice and the panic attacks. Petra started having panic attacks at the age of seven as she remembered it, she was playing in her room by herself when she heard a voice speak to her from her lower right abdomen. Petra, it is time for you to die. This was the start of 14 years of suffering that involved panic attacks, depression, difficulty in school and stress. In low paying jobs. After high school, Petra went to work, came home, ate and slept up to 12 hours a day. She did not want her parents to leave the house when she was at home because she did not feel safe. When I saw her for the first time I was in the Netherlands, facilitating a six day training. At the end of the first day, her uncle, who was an assistant at the training, asked me to see Petra to determine if I could be of any help. What I remember particularly about that first meeting was how dispirited her parents appeared to be. It made sense that they were not hopeful. Petra was their only child and they had done everything they could think of to help her. Medical doctors, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts. At the age of 21, Petra had already been through two psychoanalytic treatments and was on multiple medications. When I told her that I could see her twice at the most during my short stay in her country and that she might have to do follow up work with someone I referred her to. Petra was very clear with me that she did not want to do more psychotherapy instead of insisting that she should agree to see another therapist to ensure she was adequately cared for after the work we did together, I told her that she had a much better chance of improving if she did the things I taught her during our sessions