Jas Patrick - Villains - Video Games, Cartoons

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Everyone loves a villain!!! And Jas does an exceptional job with a very diverse array of characters!
Evil clowns , mad scientists , gangsters , tough guys , monsters , aliens , goblins , mean boss and so many more!
Oh yeah! No effects were used--all these voices were straight from Jas' vocal chords! No pitch-shifting here, Folks!
Sorry if you get creeped out or scared...

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) North American (South West - Texas) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you insane? Are you simply a fool? I deaths on your grave. It's along those lines. But we mustn't let that stop us. Short way. No, we mustn't. You don't look like much. We ain't got no law around here. So you best turn that grey around it right back to where you came while you still can. What you're looking for. I don't know why people are afraid of clowns were nice, were polite on. We always chew with our mouths closed. I will not be so easily defeated. Over the years, this facility was used for a great many, shall we say de vous applications, but nothing so delicious as torture. Oi! You compose and never take me alive. Maybe the boys will never surrender. WeII demanded Chopra and I don't mean a helicopter. None of us can floor you bloody idiot! Of course, the world always needs a good feeling. You boys got to do what I say. You know why? Right? Because I'm the boss. Your struggles are commendable, But it is time to die. No, no, I not know. I got normally toe right bearded thing. Let's hope it hat. It's certainly villainous. Don't you just agree? Cost. You agree? Yeah. Ah, What is your bidding, My master? There's of course, Master Master, I don't know if this is a good time, but I would like to get a few days off from hunching.