Jas Patrick - Cute Cartoon

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Here's a highly entertaining collection of cartoon characters ranging from gruff, guttural, elderly, bratty, hillbilly, adolescent, teen, generation Y, clowns, gnomes, puppets, pirates and more!
Jas shows his versatility and incredibly broad range!
Make sure you stick around for the gnomish work song at the end! :)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) German North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
bubble bath and breaking. It's an amalgamation of childhood voices I gas, But don't let that stop your dirty little line. I'll pretty much say anything you pay me to say. Now, this voice is certainly a bit Disney Hall now. Okay? Okay. I am here today to give you a job. No, no, no. You are here today to give me a job. Yes. Yes. So, um, this is awkward. Now. It's not easy being a crusader for righteousness and a defender of virgin ears and ice, especially on the Internet. I'm not certain vie, but sits Chairman. Helium voice. It's quite popular amongst Children kitties one for our line on many other civilized persons. When I was very small, I want to be a wizard, You see. Alas, now that I have one, I miss bending my knees. If you're looking to impress your work colleagues and loved ones, it's perfect for bar mitzvah, power point presentations, books on tape and State of the Union address. Overdubs for Republicans is that I mean, if you're really serious, but like Oh my God. I mean, I don't care. It's like, you know, it's like Helen. But then, like whatever because it's like, really? And I'm just like, I know I but like whatever. Okay? Cause it's like, really high kids. I'm this stuff you see in your nightmares. That's right. I'm hiding under your bed as we speak. Oh, but don't look so down. You'll be down here with me really soon. The high there may tease I defend a treasure. So my father had me going to banking wasn't me first choice. I wanted to be a dancer. What would you land numbers Be interested in a 200 year adjustable rate loan? Ah, are No, no, there are certain sacred cows that you shouldn't talk about. You know what I'm saying? I just find myself a little frightened by most people's politics. All I'm saying and this one time I was I was hanging out and my my mom's boyfriend, Terry, came in and he said, Shut up. And I was like, Okay, saves the maiden fair and is universally known as a whole year Hop hop, in a way, no man like I told you, not prepared for this dude. I was supposed to write something down. I know, I know. But they put into season a comedy Bang bang on Netflix. And what's the brother to dio, man? I went completely Turtle, bro. Cool. Dude, Don't get mad at me, man. Please, if you're a nomen, you really like the building. Your need HR this a for me after Phil. But when you're in Dome, you can work a long time, but you won't get in the bathroom lane. Ha! Thank you. That's enormous work song for you. What? Actually, slaves? You know, the corporate conglomerates. Nobody knows the trouble lives in.